Leica m8 & m8.2, Firmware2.004 – LEICA D120024 User Manual
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正如Bobby 自己所說,拿著相片說故事,才會動聽的。筆者聽他說了一個下午,一幀相片裡果然是充滿
After word:
Just as Bobby says, the story is more powerful when you have the photograph in your hands. After spending an
afternoon listening to Bobby, I am more aware that a photograph is filled with stories; from composition to the
moment the shutter button is depressed, each photo seems to be meticulously calculated, and yet he makes it
seem as easy as falling of a log. Perhaps this is where the real skill lies. If you have something this amazing, then
you simply must share it with other Schmidt members!
Bobby Lee Exhibition
由即日起至2009年6月30日,興華相展廊將展出Bobby Lee這次在中國西北山區的作品。 每張相片付
有Bobby 構圖解說,且看他如何透過圖片說故事。
The Schmidt Marketing Gallery will be exhibiting Bobby Lee’s work from his recent trip to the mountains
of northwest China from today until 30 June 2009. Each image will be accompanied by Bobby’s composi-
tional explanation, so you can see how he tells stories through his photographs.
Now you have heard Bobby talking about his Leica, why not experience the unique photographic experi-
ence of Leica cameras for yourself? The “Leica Test Drive Program 2009 Sec 1” is now open for registra-
tion. Please see page 22 for details.
Bobby Lee 在 Leica Day 分享他與Leica 的拍攝體驗。
Bobby Lee sharing his photographic experience with Leica
on Leica Day.
Bobby 與筆者暢談了一個下午。
Bobby talked to our reporter for the whole afternoon.
<新的班房>”New Classroom”
最新M8 & M8.2 韌體Firmware 2.004現可在Leica 方網站“Updates”內下載。 在更新韌體
Firmware 2.004將為您的M8/M8.2作出下列改善:
Firmware 2.004可閱讀徠卡最新發佈的Leica Noctilux-M 50mm f/0.95 ASPH 及 Leica Super-
Elmar-M 18mm f/3.8 ASPH.。為新鏡提供正確的資料傳輸及光學修正。
為了回應各Leica M8 用家的要求,把只在M8.2的寧靜快門上絃功能,通過Firmware
2.004加入到Leica M8,使所有M8用家也享受到這個功能帶來的好處。
1. 當完成更新韌體2.004後,將不可回復較前的韌體版本。
3. 當使用Leica M21mm f/1.4, M24mm f/1.4及M50mm f/0.95時,最大光圈值將不能正確顯
示 EXIF 檔內。
The new firmware version 2.004 for the LEICA M8 & M8.2 is available on the Leica
homepage under the link “UPDATES”. Please read the instructions carefully on how to
update your camera.
This update adds the following improvements to your camera:
Detection of 6-bit coding for new M lenses:
The 6-bit coding and the correction profiles of the new Leica M lenses LEICA NOCTILUX-M
50mm/f0.95 ASPH. and LEICA SUPER-ELMAR-M 18mm/f3.8 ASPH. have been imple-
Discrete Mode for all LEICA M8 cameras:
Since the Market introduction of the LEICA M8.2 we have received numerous requests from
customers, asking for the delayed shutter cocking action in combination with the LEICA M8.
Therefore with the new firmware 2.004, the Discreet-Mode is available on all LEICA M8. At
the lower end of the Menu list a new menu point Advance“ has been added with the options
Standard“ and Discreet“.
a. It is not possible to “downdate” LEICA M8 and M8.2 cameras to previous firmware
releases, once the version 2.004 has been installed.
b. Saved User Profiles will be deleted during the update process and have to be set again
after updating the camera.
c. The maximum aperture value of the lenses M 21mm/f1.4, M24mm/f1.4 and 50mm/f0.95
are not displayed correctly in the EXIF-Files.
Leica M8 & M8.2