Kompernass KH 5516 User Manual

Page 13

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The personal data will be shown. Should
no measurements have been carried out
as yet under this storage space, no saved
data indication "----" will be shown.
Otherwise, the scales will be shown the
last measurement results one after the



Never burden the scales one-sidedly.
Always step onto the scales in the middle
and with both feet. Then place the feet,
one after the other, onto the left and
right sensors. Otherwise, the scales could
tip and become irreparably damaged.
Additionally, there is the danger of falling!

Ensure that the upper surface of the
scales is dry when you step onto it.
Otherwise, there is a danger of slipping!



Do not burden the scales with a weight
of more than 160 kg! Through this, the
scales could be irreparably damaged!

4 Stand on the scales. Ensure that your

feet are covering the sensors on the
scales. All measuring processes now
start to run.

In the display

ᕡ the bodyweight is

shown. The body weight display can
fluctuate during the measuring pro-
cess. You should therefore stand quite
still. After a few seconds the weight
display stops flashing. The weight
now shown is your current body
weight. Remain standing still on the

On the left of the display

ᕡ the cur-

rent taking of measurements is shown
through the fitness-manikin. When
the measurements are complete the
results are shown one after the other
in the display

ᕡ :

• „

“ and the percentual share

of bodyfat in your bodyweight.

• „

“ and the percentual share

of body-water in your bodyweight.

• „

“ and the percentual share

of muscle mass in your bodyweight.

• „

“ and your daily calorie require-

ment in Kilocalories (kcal).

• „kg“ and your weight.

Display of the five values repeats itself.

During the „

“ notification, your

general physical condition is shown as
a graphic symbol in the left of the Di-

ᕡ. The fitness condition is de-

termined from your saved personal
data as well as the measurements just
taken. The following displays are pos-

too little bodyfat content

healthy bodyfat content

bodyfat content too high

KH 5516

IB_KH5516_KOE4276_UK.qxd 06.07.2007 11:06 Uhr Seite 11