Releasing channels for the user – Sennheiser 2015 User Manual

Page 42

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Selecting the setting “LO” reduces the squelch threshold, selecting the set-
ting “HI” increases the squelch threshold. Adjust the squelch threshold –
with the transmitter switched off – to the lowest possible setting that sup-
presses hissing noise.

Important notes:

If the squelch threshold is adjusted too high, the transmission range
will be reduced. Therefore, always adjust the squelch threshold to the
lowest possible setting.

When in the setting mode of the “


” menu, pressing the


button (DOWN) for more than three seconds will switch off the

squelch. “SQ.OFF” appears on the display. If no RF signal is being recei-
ved, hissing noise will occur. This setting is for test purposes only.

Releasing channels for the user


Transmitter and receiver have nine channel banks with up to 20 switchable
channels each. Via the “


” menu, you can restrict access to the chan-

nels by only releasing the channels to be available to the user.


The units are factory-preset so that all channels are available to the

In order to rule out the possibility that channels are released which should
not be available to the user, we recommend that you first lock all channels
and then release individual channels one after the other.

For multi-channel operation, we recommend that you only release the chan-
nels in one channel bank. Only use the channel banks “1” to “8” since these
accommodate fixed preset frequencies which are intermodulation-free.


To lock all channels, select “ERASE” from the “


” menu.


Press the


button to confirm your selection.

All channels are now locked.