Ingersoll-Rand DOSER 45532694 User Manual
Page 8

1.6 Male Docking Valve
• Drawing/Component list:
Use the drawings and the component list for the specified unit. In the description below, the figures
(xx) refer to the corresponding figures on the drawing.
1.6.1 Dismantling of the Male Docking Valve
This operation requires, the following special tools and preparations:
• A T2000-17-005-IR to compress the spring (two threaded rods and a
bracket with three holes).
A flat, 7mm, fork spanner.
a) After the valve has been removed from the docking station (see chapter 1.1), unscrew the four
screws (19) holding the pneumatic cylinder (3).
b) Pull the pneumatic piston (4) out from the cylinder (3).
c) The piston (4) and the spring (14) are now visible. Use the 7-mm spanner to hold the needle (7)
still. The spanner must be inserted into the compressed spring. Open the sealing nut (11) inside
the piston.
Note: Take care, the spring is loaded. Use the special tool T2000-17-005-IR to keep the spring
d) Remove the piston (4) and the spring (14). Do not lose the distance shims (23) and (24).
e) The packing housing (2) can now be removed. Also the Variseal (15) can be removed.
f) To take out the Step seal (16) the retaining shim (5) has to be removed by unscrewing the two
countersunk screws (22).
g) Unscrew the four countersunk screws (20) holding the retaining flange (6) of the valve needle
complete (7), and pull it out from the centre of the middle housing (1).
h) Pull out the O-ring (17).
i) Pull out the O-ring (18).
Note: To remove the O-ring, squeeze it with one hand in a way that will force it to become oval and
in this way one side of it comes out of the groove. It is now easy to take it out from the grove
completely. Do not use a screwdriver; it is very easy to damage the surface of the grooves.
j) Clean all parts carefully. The valve seat and the needle should be closely examined. Search for
wearing out signs and for scratches. Especially the contact surfaces of the needle and the valve
seat must be smooth and even all over the surfaces, no scratches.
Note: All damaged parts must be changed to secure a proper function.
Take notice: The valve seat and the valve needle are delivered as one unit, valve needle
complete, and are consequently grounded together as one pair.