Script language, 3770link script language – IBM 3770 User Manual
Page 16

3770Link Script Language
Commands are not case sensitive, they are shown in upper case for clarity.
Replace text in italics with the appropriate values. Parameters enclosed in
square braces "[ ]"are optional. When two or more parameters are
separated by a bar “|”, only one of them may actually be used at a time.
Command Syntax Description
; [comment]
Ignore comment line.
# [comment]
Ignore comment line.
Set label used for branching and looping.
Replace %n with nth parameter specified.
Replace %lastfile% with name of last file
Replace with corresponding PDIR field.
ANS [/t=x | /m=x]
Wait for incoming call then auto answer.
/t=x - Time-out after x seconds.
/m=x - Time-out after x minutes.
APPEND source_file dest_file
Append source_file to dest_file.
APPREQ request
Send request as an application request to the
CALL scriptfile
Execute scriptfile and return upon
CHAIN scriptfile
Transfer control to scriptfile.
COMPRESS /on | /off
Turn compression on or off during send.
CONN [/t=x | /m=x]
Establish a direct connection.
/t=x - Time-out after x seconds.
/m=x - Time-out after x minutes.
COPY source_file dest_file
Copy source_file to dest_file.
DEBUG /on | /off
Turn debugging on or off.
DEL filename
Delete filename.