Thunder castle – Intellivision Productions 10400 User Manual

Page 29

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Guide your knight through the deadly mazes of Thunder Castle. Slay evil dragons, sorcerers and
demons as you go. Watch for gates that block your path…magic objects that grant special
powers, extra points, or extra lives…and magic creatures that energize your knight. Complete the
mazes and the game starts over at a faster speed. Continue playing, increasing your score, until
all of your knights lives have been lost.

1. The First Screen to appear is name of the game. Press the “Start” Button to begin playing and enjoy the game!
2. The game starts with a Forest Maze on the first stage and Castle Maze on the Second stage.
3. There will be one Green Dragon, Two Bats and one Red Knight. You control the movements of the Red Knight as he navigates his way around the


4. There will have Six Sorcerers and one Mouse in the Castle maze.
5. In each maze there will be Evil Guardians that come in three colors (Green, Yellow and Red). You will start against the Green one. The Evil Guardians

(Dragons) will all have different point values when you kill them (100, 200, 300 points depend on their color). More importantly they can kill your
knight if he hasn’t been energized.

9. However, when you go up to the surface the enemy ship will be able to see your sub and fire upon it. If your sub is shot several times it will be

destroyed. You may need to dive back down to escape and avoid being eliminated.

10. If your sub is destroyed, then the screen will jump back to the main Radar Screen. The White convoy will keep approaching the staging harbor which

to the top of the screen. If they reach the staging harbor than they will become the black in color. After they become a black convoy they will attempt
to approach the final harbor, which that is the Home Base. If you let any of the black convoy reach the home base you will lose the game.

11. So, you need to keep sending your Subs to stop the enemy convoys from reaching the staging harbor and the home base.
12. There are a total of six enemy convoys that will attempt to approach the home base. If you are able to destroy all of them you will be the winner and

the Screen will display “Game Over”. You may press “A” button to start a new Game.
