The menu system – INFINITE DREAMS K-Rally User Manual
Page 4

The Menu System
In the Main menu you have six possible choices.
Single Player
In this option you can play any of the numerous single player modes – once you have unlocked
them. At start you can pick only the
Tutorial: here you will get familiar with the basics of racing in K-Rally. Follow the on-screen
instructions to learn how to drive your car in this game. Finishing this section will unlock the
Quick Race: this is the place for single races
with no lasting effect on your car or finances.
You can collect only Experience points (XPs from
now on) here besides the obvious adrenalin
rush. You can pick your track, skin (if this
feature is unlocked) and the number of
opponents (from 1 to 3) before you could choose
your car and its colour. After a few rounds of
practice (depending on your results) you should
have enough XPs to start a
Championship: where you get to race 3 drivers
of your profile’s difficulty level. You get a car
from a generous Sponsor to race in groups of
races (leagues) for money, XPs and glory. You can buy
upgrades and weapons (if you have weapons ON for this
profile) between races to make sure you win the league and
you can advance to the next with a new car you get for your
number one position. After winning the last league you meet a
Boss, who is a skilled racer with a car better than yours. If you
fail to beat him in 3 attempts, you have to restart the
Championship from the first league. If you beat this Boss, you
not only get your reward from the Sponsor but you also get
the opportunity to come back and start another Championship
with higher difficulty settings. In this mode you may be
offered a bet at the start of a race. You can read about it
later. The next mode is
Career. This is a never-ending game mode where you start
from the bottom of a ranking list with the worst car and minimal pocket money. Your aim is to
get to the top of the list. However here you have to pay for everything that was free in the
Championship: you have to buy your own car and pay entry fees for more prestigious races. The
more you pay, the more you can win but the opponents are tougher too. There are three races
at the same time in every turn so all twelve racers from the ranking list race when you do. They
also have to pay the entry-fee for the tracks they pick, buy their upgrades and cars giving you
this way a real career-like experience. You can get offered a bet in Career too.
Ghost mode: this race is just about you and the track. No opponents, no bonuses only your
best car based on your current XPs in this profile. You can pick only the track for your race.
From the second lap you get to follow a ‘ghost’, a semi-transparent image of your car running
your best round in this race so far, so you can see where you can do better to run a lap with the
best time possible. Every track you finish gives you a code with your best lap time which you
can enter at
You can find these codes with your best results under Ranking in the Main Menu. The last
option of Single player menu is