IBM DB2 V8 User Manual
Page 23

VI DB2 Related OSS Notes
1043951: Release of DB2 9 for SAP components
1072066: DBA Cockpit: New function for DB Monitoring
1027452: DB2 z/OS CCMS: DBA Cockpit
746299: Recommended Settings for Linux for zSeries JVM
1022334: DB2 z/OS Load ing a table with compression dictionary
1032273: DB2 z/OS: Configuring DB2 9
913109: DB2 z/OS: SAPCL Patch Collection
686905: DB2 z/OS: DDIC Corrections (6.40, 7.0, 7.10)
955047: DB2 z/OS: Hist ory of statement cache statistics in ST04
1031213: DB2 z/OS: Customizing V9 CLI Driver
815202: DB2 z/OS: Upgrade to NetWeaver 7.0
682077 PreMigration Checks for DB2 V8
726215 Upgrade to ECC 5.0 - free space
731937 Customizing DB2 Connect for Web AS 6.20 and DB2 V8
761520 DDLOG overflow - DB2 parameter NUMLKUS too small
728743 Release of DB2 V8 for SAP components
138906 DB2 Planning Information
765983 Reducing number of DSNACCOR reorgs
660528 Requirements to run SAP NetWeaver on zSeries
717935 FTP replacement by Stored Procedures
82953 Bufferpool Tuning
958252 SAPCL FAQ
26317 LOGON Group for Load Balancing
38119 SAPLOGON Administration
184399 Creating VBDATA in 4K Tablespace
116698 Optimizing Access to Tables VBHDR, VBMOD, VBDATA
109515 Update Groups for Asynchronous Updates
162923 Planning and Monitoring Virtual Storage
153073 Failover to Stan dby DB2 in Same LPAR
113008 Maintaining Catalog Statistics
355213 DB2 Lock Escalations
363189 Volume Copy Consistency
81737 PTF Maintenance
132424 TRFC, QRFC Access
192320 NPGTHRSH Parameter
129385 ABAP Clauses Values
173547 SMF Parameter DDCONS
183311 Automated PTF Check
394037 Deadlock Reduction
70964 DB2 Performance Parameters
386355 TRAP Parameter in LE
426863 DB2 Performance Monitor/IFI Data Collector
101217 Overview of Transports and Corrections
509738 Indexes on Catalog Tables
Copyright 2006
IBM Solutions Technical Sales (STS) 12/18/2007Page 23 of 51
Planning and Preparation Guide for SAP NetWeaver Version 6.40: z/OS Implementation