Testing server installation – Interlink electronic 7.1 User Manual
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RAD-Series 7.1 Getting Started Guide
Interlink Networks, Inc.
Page 12
Testing Server Installation
The AAA Server is delivered with a very simple wired network configuration designed to help
you test that the server is installed and authenticating correctly (using password authentication).
We recommend running this test before proceeding with server configuration.
1 Follow the procedure above to start the server in Server Manager.
2 With the server still selected, click the Status button in the main area.
If the server is operational, you’ll see the message:
RADServer-name (RAD-port) is responding
3 Toggle to your shell account.
4 Set the library path (
by default):
# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/server library path
5 Change directory to
/server binary path
by default).
6 Run
radpwtst -s localhost test_user.
7 When prompted, enter the test user password you specified during installation.
A message appears summarizing authentication. If the server is authenticating properly, the
final line in the message is:
“test_user” authentication OK
8 To terminate the test process:
# kill pid
is the radius process ID. You can determine this by:
# ps -ef | grep radiusd
Note: Remove the test_user from the localhost configuration when you’re done using the test tool. See the
RAD-Series Administrator’s Guide for instructions.
If you encounter problems while running the test, see the Troubleshooting section of the Interlink
Networks’ Frequently Asked Questions page at