Treatment instructions, Note: for this procedure, refer to figure 2.2, Sit in a relaxed and upright position – Invacare IRC 1720 User Manual
Page 20: Turn on the device by pushing the on/off button, Figure 2.2 using the nebulizer, Remove the mouthpiece from the nebulizer, Tratamiento, Siéntese en una posición cómoda y erguida, Retire la boquilla del nebulizador, Instructions pour le traitement
Treatment instructions, Note: for this procedure, refer to figure 2.2, Sit in a relaxed and upright position | Turn on the device by pushing the on/off button, Figure 2.2 using the nebulizer, Remove the mouthpiece from the nebulizer, Tratamiento, Siéntese en una posición cómoda y erguida, Retire la boquilla del nebulizador, Instructions pour le traitement | Invacare IRC 1720 User Manual | Page 20 / 124