Interact-TV UM-14001-20627 User Manual
Page 3

Make sure that you are
indoors, away from any
ventilator, air-conditioner
outlet or any other source of
air currents.
Allow the weight of the
gondola to gently roll the
balloon upright, so that the
gondola hangs underneath.
Slowly release the balloon and note its vertical movement: If the
balloon floats upwards place a small piece of putty along the centerline
of the gondola. Test the result of the ballast change by again seeing if the
blimp rises when released. Continue adding putty until the blimp has no
more tendency to rise.
Tip! The putty sticks well to almost any surface once it has been kneaded
for a few seconds, to soften it. Try to place the putty along the centerline
of the gondola (center, front to back). Balance the gondola by placing
equal amounts on either side of module. Be sure to keep the putty away
from the propellers.
If the balloon sinks remove some of the putty. If the balloon sinks
without any putty having been added, carefully add more Helium to the
balloon (not too much, as overfilling will cause balloon to burst). Adjust
& Repeat until the balloon floats in the air when released. If the problem
persists, try refilling the balloon with fresh Helium.
Note that if you are in a high altitude area, your balloon will not float
due to the low air density at your level. In this case, contact us for a high-
altitude balloon. This high altitude balloon is only suitable for high-
altitude areas and cannot be used near sea-level due to it’s extreme lift.
The balloon will float for many weeks. However, Helium is a very small
atom and will slowly dissipate through the material of the balloon. The
balloon will eventually start to look saggy but will probably continue to
float. You can use a straw to carefully blow a bit of air into the balloon to
plump it up. Eventually, enough Helium will escape through the balloon
to cause the balloon to sink. When this happens, add a small amount of
helium as described above. Make sure to
adjust the ballast if necessary.
Loading the Bombs
The foam bombs each have a magnetic
nose which fits into the yellow ‘target’
printed within each bomb-bay. There is an
electromagnet located within this yellow
‘target’ which holds the bomb until you
decide to release it using the bomb release
button on the transmitter. A vinyl target is
included with your Blimp Bomber to make
it easy to test your piloting and bombing
skills. Challenge your friends, use your
imagination to think up games! Let us know
what your favorites are!
Operating your blimp
1. Screw the antenna into the top of the transmitter - do not overtighten.
2. Turn on the transmitter via the face-mounted switch. The red LED
should light up. If not, check your battery or replace with a fresh one.
3. Move the thruster module's switch to the ‘ON’ position.
4. Follow the instructions that are printed on the face of the transmitter.
Essentially, each stick controls one of the side-mounted motors causing it
to spin forwards or backwards. The resulting thrust causes the blimp to
move forwards, backwards, turn or spin in place.
The two buttons mounted on the top of the controller cause the (single)
horizontal prop to spin backwards or forwards. This causes the blimp to
ascend or descend. You’ll find that with practice very precise control of
your blimp is possible.
Tip! For best performance use short bursts of the engines (1-3 seconds).
This will conserve battery life as well as make control easier. Experiment
with directional control & timing to navigate the vessel as desired.
Develop your own skills and techniques!
To drop bombs, press the bomb release button mounted in the center of
the transmitter’s face. Each time you press the button a bomb will be
Compete against friends! Place the target on the floor. Each pilot gets 2
minutes to drop his or her bombs onto the target. The one with the best
score wins. Introduce variations... each pilot takes over from the last one
at the spot where the blimp happens to be after two minutes. Use your
Invent competitions such as knocking over targets, steering through
courses, time lapse racing or even hone your skills trying to pick up light
objects by placing a small paper clip on the end of the antenna wire and
using it as a hook (You may have to adjust the Ballast Putty to make up
for the extra weight). Try delivering the object to a drop-off zone!
Safety Precautions for Handling your Blimp
a. Do not use the balloon outdoors since the slightest breeze could blow
the balloon away.
b. Do not fly the balloon near sharp or pointed objects. If the balloon
repeatedly bumps into sharp or pointed objects, it will damage the
balloon and helium gas will leak even though a hole may not be visible.
c. Do not fly the balloon near people, especially children and pets.
d. Do not operate the balloon near people's face or hair. This is very
dangerous because the propellers are constantly turning. If the balloon
gets near someone's face or hair, release the controls to stop the propellers
from spinning.
e. The metallized balloon may conduct electricity, which could cause
harm or injury. The customer alone is completely fully responsible for the
control and safe use of the balloon.
f. Control and navigation will be compromised if operating the balloon
near a ventilator, air conditioner outlet or any other source of wind. Avoid
rooms with ceiling fans!
g. Do not fly the balloon near any source of heat (Halogen lights,
candles, ovens, heat radiators, etc.).
h. When balloon is not in use, leave it inflated inside a cool, dry room
with closed windows and doors.
Tip! The module's hanging antenna wire can be used as a mooring line
to tie the balloon to a fixed object.
i. Do not store the balloon in an area where there is a temperature
variance of more than 10°. Such an increase in temperature will cause the
balloon to expand. If this occurs, carefully open the Auto-Seal Valve
carefully inserting a drinking straw and release a small amount of helium.
j. Rooms with windows and direct sunlight may create more than a 10°
indoor temperature variance between morning and night. This would
NOT be an ideal storage area.
k. The purity of the helium will decrease if air mixes with the Helium. If
this occurs, deflate the balloon and refill with fresh Helium.
l. Do not forget to switch OFF the gondola and transmitter when you are
finished playing with the blimp.
m. Do not touch the inside of the receiver or the transmitter with your
hand or with any metal object.
ballast putty
bomb mount