Mitsubishi Motors MN Converter User Manual
Page 31

When [Mail communication Mode] is selected, the setting
items of mail communication will be displayed.
- From: Mail Address
Set the mail address of the G-50A in the [From: Mail
Address] field. When sending mail via an ISP, set the mail
address allocated by the ISP. When the mail server
resides on the LAN, obtain the mail address from the LAN
* When sending mail via an ISP, a user contract with the ISP is required.
- To: Mail Address
Set the mail addresses of the recipients to which mail is sent.
* The mail address of recipient (To:) acquires and sets up the address only for maintenance tools.
- SMTP Server IP
Set the mail server IP address in the Mail Server Information [SMTP Server IP] field. When sending
mail via an ISP, set the ISP address of the ISP mail server. When the mail server resides on the
LAN, obtain the IP address from the LAN administrator.
* If the only information available on the ISP mail server is a domain name, use a PC to connect to
the Internet, open a DOS prompt and type “ping domain name”. Set the IP address that is displayed
as the ping response.
- Monitor Finish Data
Set the date of monitor data transmit period.
- Mail Sending Interval
Set the transmit interval of monitor data (max 240 min).
Then click on .
After a while, it returns to the main screen, but the mail transmission to remote receivers will be
performed by G-50A automatically.
* At the connection of MN Converter “the screen to select monitor method” is not displayed. Real-time
Monitor Mode is always commenced not allowing to use [Mail communication Mode].
In the case of real time monitoring, the message “Monitoring. Please wait for a moment.” will
appear again.
Momentarily, the Operation Status Monitor Screen
will appear.