Page 24

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S e t t i n g U p Y o u r L i f e B o o k 9 0 0 S e r i e s

L i f e B o o k 9 0 0 S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u


When you turn on your notebook for the first
time it will display a Fujitsu logo on the screen.
If you do nothing the system will read the hard
drive for the operating system software, flash
the notebook configuration information on the
screen,and display the Windows 95 Setup
Wizard Screen. (See Power On, page 23, for
additional help.)
You will then be stepped
through the condition of use process. You must
complete this initial process before you will
be able to use your notebook.(If you wish
to access the BIOS setup utility before you
go through the condition of use process you
must press the

key while the Fujitsu logo is

still visible. If you press the

key while the

Fujitsu logo is still present you will get a dialog
box which will allow you to select which drive
is to be used for finding the operating system.)
If you turn off the power without using the on

C a n c e l

button you will get an error

message when you start your notebook again.

Conditions of Use
The first time you start your notebook you
must confirm your acceptance of the copyright
limitations for your pre-installed software. After
you complete the Condition of Use process
these screens will not appear again. There are
six (6) screens to read carefully and respond to.

You cannot use your notebook until this
Condition of Use process is completed. The
bottom of each screen has a

< B a c k

button, a


button and a


button which

are activated by clicking the integrated ErgoTrac
pointing device button with the cursor on the
screen button. The

< B a c k

button will return

you to the previous screen. The



activates any choices or information you have
entered and takes you to the next screen.

C a n c e l

button allows you to stop the

setup process.

If you stop the process before the setup is com-
plete your notebook will startup at the begin-
ning of the Windows 95 Setup Wizard. The
setup screens and your needed responses are
described in the following pages.

User Information
Fill in your name and the company name as you
want the software to be licensed. To step from
the name blank to the company blank press

key. When the information has been

entered click the


button. You will not

be allowed to continue until you make an entry.

License Agreement
Read the agreement carefully. You can scroll
through the text using the integrated ErgoTrac,
pointing device to activate the scroll bar or use
the up arrow

and down arrow

keys to

move up and down the text one line at a time,
or use the


keys to

move the text one screen at a time. When
you finish reading you must p oint and click to
accept or reject the terms of the agreement and
then click the

