Setting the low-cut filter (low cut), Setting the noise gate (noise gate), Setting the limiter (limiter/comp) – Tascam Portacapture X6 32-Bit 6-Channel Multitrack Field Recorder User Manual

Page 21: Setting the equalizer (eq), Inverting the input phase (phase invert), 21 5 - input and output settings

Setting the low-cut filter (low cut), Setting the noise gate (noise gate), Setting the limiter (limiter/comp) | Setting the equalizer (eq), Inverting the input phase (phase invert), 21 5 - input and output settings | Tascam Portacapture X6 32-Bit 6-Channel Multitrack Field Recorder User Manual | Page 21 / 64 Setting the low-cut filter (low cut), Setting the noise gate (noise gate), Setting the limiter (limiter/comp) | Setting the equalizer (eq), Inverting the input phase (phase invert), 21 5 - input and output settings | Tascam Portacapture X6 32-Bit 6-Channel Multitrack Field Recorder User Manual | Page 21 / 64