Pixord mobile surveillance – Chenbro PiXORD User Manual
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PiXORD Mobile Surveillance
What is PiXORD Mobile Surveillance?
PiXORD Mobile makes possible your surveillance only with your cell-phone.
The perfect solution when you don’t have a computer around to access the Internet.
Use your cell phone to monitor what is going on at your office and home.
Just combining our IP Cameras and Video Servers, plus this software for your cell
phone, it will make your surveillance needs at the reach of your hands.
Tested and verified in several countries*, this tool makes your surveillance easier
than you have ever thought.
*Countries: Taiwan, China, USA, Australia, Switzerland, Portugal, England, Ireland, Italy, Germany,
Sweden, Finland, South Africa, France, Israel
Advantage Features
M-to-M connection
Connecting the cell phone directly to the IP camera or Video Server,
with no PC or Server in between, avoiding any privacy concerns.
MJPEG surveillance equipment support:
Including IP Cameras (fixed), IP Dome (PTZ), Video Server (Multi-
Channel), DVR (Multi-Channel)
Extended Mobile Phones support:
Requiring only JAVA support and Internet Access*, connect to the IP
Camera or Video Server within some steps.
*Internet Access - WAP rates may vary in different countries, please
contact your local telephone company for more information.
Fastest speed:
Under 2.5G environment, speeds of up to 1-3 frames/sec
Under 3G environment, speeds of up to 5-10 frames/sec
Under Wi-Fi environment, speeds of up to 10 frames/sec
Free Version
Limited for use with only 1 PiXORD surveillance device and provides
only limited features
Full Version (by Subscription)
For all PiXORD surveillance devices – MJPEG Series