2 - installation, Setting up the digital audio system, Notes for installation – E-MU 0404 PCI User Manual
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2 - Installation
Setting Up the Digital Audio System
E-MU Digital Audio System
2 - Installation
Setting Up the Digital Audio System
Prior to installing the hardware, take a few moments to enter the 18-digit serial number
of the E-MU 0404 PCI Card. This number can help EMU Customer Service troubleshoot
any problems you may encounter—by writing the numbers down now, you’ll avoid
having to open your computer to find it later on.
There are six basic steps to installing your E-MU system:
Remove any other sound cards you have in your computer.
(Once you are sure that
the E-MU card works properly, your old sound card can be reinstalled if desired.)
Install the E-MU 0404 PCI card in your computer.
Install the optional Sync Card (if you have one).
Attach the Analog and Digital breakout cables to the rear of the 0404 card.
Install the PatchMix DSP software onto your computer.
Connect audio, MIDI and synchronization cables between the Digital Audio System
and your other gear.
Notes for Installation
Use the Alt-Tab feature to select other applications. One of them may be the
Microsoft Digital Signature warning. It is possible for this warning to appear
behind the installation screen.
• Make sure you have the latest Windows Service Packs from Microsoft
(Windows 2000 - SP 4, Windows XP - SP 1 or higher).
• Disable onboard sound and uninstall all other sound cards. (If you wish to try
using multiple sound cards in your system, do so after you have confirmed that
your E-MU Digital Audio System is operating normally.)
• InstallShield “IKernel Application Error” on Windows XP: When installing this
software on Windows XP, you may be confronted with a “kernel error” at the very
end of installation. This is an issue with the InstallShield program, which is what
we use to install software on your computer. Please do not be alarmed by this, as
the error is innocuous.
To read more about this error, and obtain instructions on how to avoid getting
the message, please visit this website: http://support.installshield.com/kb/
• Multiple Digital Audio System sound cards are currently not supported.
Please read the following sections as they apply to your system as you install the E-MU
0404, paying special attention to the various warnings they include.