Input, Output, Input output – E-MU 0404 PCI User Manual

Page 42

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4 - The PatchMix DSP Mixer
Main Section


Creative Professional


Selecting the Input display view shows a graphic representation of the PatchMix DSP
Mixer inputs. This screen is only a display unlike the Effects and Outputs screen, which
allow you to make routing changes. Input routing changes are made by adding mixer

See Mixer Strip Creation.


The Input and Output

displays make it much
easier to understand the
signal routings of a
complex mixer setup.

The input routings are divided into two categories: Physical Inputs and Host Inputs.
Select either category by clicking on the Physical or Host button. Clicking on any of the
input routings in the TV display highlights the corresponding mixer strip.


Selecting the Output display view shows a graphic representation of the PatchMix DSP
Mixer outputs. The output routings are divided into two categories: Physical Outputs
and Host Outputs. Select either category by clicking on the Physical or Host button.

The Physical Output screen displays and allows you to connect the Main and Monitor
outputs of the mixer to “physical” analog or digital outputs. Click on the box in the mix
or monitor area to make (or break) a connection.

The Host Output screen displays and allows you to view the Host (ASIO or WAVE)
outputs of the mixer. See

“Insert Section”

for information on how to connect the inserts.


Tip: Clicking on any

of the input routings in
the TV display highlights
the corresponding mixer

Physical Input Display

Host Input Display

Physical Output Display

Host Output Display

The Host Output display shows all the Insert Routings in addition to the Main Mix and Monitor
out routings. Click on the desired row to make or break a physical output connection.