Chapter 1 product introduction, 1 introduction, 2 features – Penpower WorldPenScan (Win) User Manual

Page 7: Chapter 1 product, Introduction -1, 1 introduction -1 1.2 features -1, Introduction 1.1 introduction

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Chapter 1 Product Introduction


Chapter 1 Product


1.1 Introduction

WorldPenScan series, the best input device, scans and recognizes 193 languges and put

the scanned material into your computer via the USB interface. Whenever you come

across any particular words or sentences that you do not understand, WorldPenScan

series will scan for you.
With an ergonomic design, WorldPenScan series provides a comfortable handle which

fits all left and right-handed users. Scan away effortlessly with the transparent scan tip.

Where you see, where you scan.

1.2 Features

• Recognition in nearly 200 languages

The WorldPenScan can scan and recognize nearly 200 languages, including English,
French, German, Italian, Spanish, European, and East Asia characters.

• Business Mode

The WorldPenScan has business mode, which can recognize bar codes and bank fonts
(OCR-A, OCR-B, and MICR). An ideal product for business.

• Output to multiple applications

The WorldPenScan can be used in any editing applications, such as Word, Excel, Out-

look…etc. You can get the result instantly.

• Penpower voice reader

The voice reader reads in fluent Mandarin or Cantonese of any articles. You can use it
as a tool for fast proofreading or in teaching the correct Mandarin/Cantonese pronun-

• Multiple Language Translation

By sending the scanned and recognized words or sentences directly to on-line transla-

tors, you can instantly see the translation results by one click.

• Offline bidirectional Chinese to English translation

Come with offline translation software, Transtar, which can translate phrases or charac-
ters from English to Chinese or vice versa. With a read back function which reads out
your document to you aloud.

• Scan image

The WorldPenScan lets you scan and save the images into your document.

This manual is related to the following products: