Ground speed, Slow down or raise mower, Or raise mower. use protective device – Alamo TW84 User Manual

Page 136: Springs weak. replace springs, Improper adjustment. re-adjust slip clutch, Too much power for reduce ground speed and, Slip clutch. material intake, Friction facings worn. replace facings, Oil on facings. replace facings, Friction facings glazed. clean with emery cloth

Ground speed, Slow down or raise mower, Or raise mower. use protective device | Springs weak. replace springs, Improper adjustment. re-adjust slip clutch, Too much power for reduce ground speed and, Slip clutch. material intake, Friction facings worn. replace facings, Oil on facings. replace facings, Friction facings glazed. clean with emery cloth | Alamo TW84 User Manual | Page 136 / 154 Ground speed, Slow down or raise mower, Or raise mower. use protective device | Springs weak. replace springs, Improper adjustment. re-adjust slip clutch, Too much power for reduce ground speed and, Slip clutch. material intake, Friction facings worn. replace facings, Oil on facings. replace facings, Friction facings glazed. clean with emery cloth | Alamo TW84 User Manual | Page 136 / 154