Sek electricity/electric current, E105 electric current in circuits with no branches, Exercise – 3B Scientific Advanced Electricity and Magnetism Kit User Manual

Page 2: Equipment, Set-up and procedure, Work sheet 1, And i, 6 v a i, Fig. 1

Sek electricity/electric current, E105 electric current in circuits with no branches, Exercise | Equipment, Set-up and procedure, Work sheet 1, And i, 6 v a i, Fig. 1 | 3B Scientific Advanced Electricity and Magnetism Kit User Manual | Page 2 / 3 Sek electricity/electric current, E105 electric current in circuits with no branches, Exercise | Equipment, Set-up and procedure, Work sheet 1, And i, 6 v a i, Fig. 1 | 3B Scientific Advanced Electricity and Magnetism Kit User Manual | Page 2 / 3