1rappfr transmission modes, 2rappfr availability, 3holiday processing – RAPPFR MDH User Manual
Page 5: Overview, 1 rappfr transmission modes, 2 rappfr, Availability, 3 holiday, Processing

1. Overview
The RAPPFR function files will allow MDH, CCF and CCF-II users to retrieve their Paperless Fast Redemptions
records once a day on the business day using the RAPPFR function. Please note that all times refer to Eastern
At approximately 6:00 a.m., Monday through Friday, DTCC will provide redemption agents with a file of
upcoming Redemption Maturities, Partial and Full Calls that our records indicate that you are the paying agent for.
Agents are asked to compare the items on the file to their own system and return the file via the Interface Control
Manager (ICM) function PWP1 for MDH users and PWP5 for CCF users, indicating differences by changing the
Total Proceeds Due Amount and/or indicating the difference in the Comments column.
1.1 RAPPFR Transmission Modes
RAPPFR files are available via MDH, CCF and CCF-II. Users requesting RAPPFR via CCF receive a file
consisting of a CCF Header record followed by the RAPPFR detail records. Users requesting RAPPFR via CCF-II
receive a file comprised of CCF-II Header and Trailer records separated by the detail records.
The formats for the CCF Header record, CCF-II Header and Trailer records, and the RAPPFR, records are
described in the following sections.
1.2 RAPPFR Availability
The RAPPFR function is normally available from approximately 6:00 am through 6:00 pm.
1.3 Holiday Processing
Based on the following scenarios the RAPPFR file will or will not be available:
1. All Closed - Banks, Exchange and DTC closed: (New Years Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents
Day, Memorial Day, July 4Th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day) –
File will not be produced
2. Banks Closed, Exchange Open and DTC Open (Columbus Day, Veterans Day) –
File will not be produced
3. Banks Open, DTC Open, Exchange Closed (Good Friday) –
File will be produced
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August 2004
Copyright © 2004 by The Depository Trust Company