Explanations and information 1-4, Legal basis 1-4, Fields of applications 1-4 – Sterling STT 160 User Manual

Page 9: Notes on usage 1-4, Ex pla na tions and in for ma tion -4, Le gal ba sis -4, Fields of ap pli ca tions -4, Notes on us age -4

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1.2. Ex pla na tions and in for ma ti on

Va ri ous terms and de sig na tions are used in the se ope ra ting in struc tions to en su re cla ri ty. The re -
fo re plea se note that the terms used in the text stand for the cor re spon ding ex pla na tions lis ted be -

Equip ment
”Equip ment” can mean an in di vi du al unit, a ma chi ne or an in stal la ti on.

Ope ra ting per son nel
The ”ope ra ting per son nel” are per sons ope ra ting the equip ment on their own re spon si bi li ty or ac -
cor ding to in struc tions.

Ope ra tor
The ”ope ra tor” of the equip ment (pro duc ti on ma na ger, fo re man, etc.) is the per son re spon si ble for
all pro duc ti on se quen ces. The ope ra tor in structs the ope ra ting per son nel of what is to be done.

Ope ra ting in struc tions
The ”ope ra ting in struc tions” des cri be the in ter ac ti on of the equip ment, pro duc ti on se quen ces or
me thods. The ope ra ting in struc tions must be com pi led by the ope ra tor of the equip ment.

Equip ment fo re man
When se ve ral ope ra ting per son nel work on one ma chi ne, the ”equip ment fo re man” coor di na tes
the se quen ces. The equip ment fo re man must be ap poin ted by the ope ra tor.

Trai ned per son nel
”Trai ned per son nel” are per sons who, due to their trai ning, are aut ho ri zed to car ry out the re qui red

1.3. Le gal ba sis

See “Ma nu fac tu rer’s Cer ti fi ca te” resp. “Cer ti fi ca te of Con for mi ty”.

1.4. Fields of ap pli ca tions

For the dry ing of ther mo plas tic gra nu les and re grind be fo re pro ces sing in or der to re mo ve all re -
mai ning moi stu re from the gra nu les both in si de and out, in de pen dent of cli ma te or am bient air
con di tions.

1.5. No tes on Usa ge

Ex pe rien ced ope ra tors can be gin di rect ly with the chap ter on “Start-up” if the unit has been pro -
per ly in stal led.

If the unit has not been in stal led yet, ob ser ve the in struc tions in the chap ter on “As sem bly In struc -
tions” and “Trans port, As sem bly and Sto ra ge”.







CTT 110 / CTT 160

Ge ne ral In for ma ti on 1-4

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