Assembly instructions 8-1, As sem bly in struc tions -1 – Sterling STT 160 User Manual

Page 44

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8.1. In stal la tion of the exhauster fan for re gen er a tion of ex haust air

When plas tics are be ing dried that re lease harm ful gases dur ing the dry ing pro cess, care must be
taken that the re gen er a tion ex haust air is dis posed of in an en vi ron men tally sound way. At the
same time the through put of the re gen er a tion blower must not be al tered. It should be noted when
as sem bling a dis posal sys tem (e.g. an exhauster sys tem) that the re gen er a tion ex haust air is very
hu mid. Thus con den sa tion may form, which must not un der any cir cum stances re turn to the dryer.

8.2. Grounding the equip ment against elec tro static charg ing

Con sid er able elec tro static charg ing may oc cur in the equip ment dur ing pro cess ing of the var i ous
ma te ri als. For this rea son, all com po nents must be suf fi ciently grounded, see ground ing bolt
dryer (A) and dry ing hop per (B).

En sure that the reg u la tions of the lo cal elec tric sup ply com pany are ob served.







STT 110 / STT 160

As sem bly in struc tions 8-2



Grounding the equip ment

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