Tansport and packing 7-2, Tansport and pack ing -2 – Sterling STT 160 User Manual

Page 42

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7.2. As sem bly


Please en sure ad e quate car ry ing ca pac ity of the lift ing equip ment.

Check the car ry ing ca pac ity of the point of in stal la tion, par tic u larly if in stalled
on a plat form.

The place se lected for in stal la tion should be as free of vi bra tions as pos si ble.

The main switch must be freely ac ces si ble.

Ground the equip ment against elec tro static charg ing.


The ma chine must not be tilted or laid on its side.

Be cause of its com pact con struc tion the dryer can be in stalled di rectly be side the pro cess ing ma -
chine (dry ing hop per on the pro cess ing ma chine) or with one or more dry ing hop pers as a mov -
able fa cil ity (com pact fa cil ity).

Spe cial foun da tions are not nec es sary for in stal la tion.

The dryer must be in stalled on a level sur face and must not be ex posed to ex ces sive hu mid ity.
The max i mum per mis si ble am bi ent tem per a ture is 45 °C (113°F).

To fa cil i tate ser vic ing, the dryer should be in stalled in such a way that that it is ac ces si ble from
3 sides. Make sure that the air fil ters can be changed with out prob lems.

To con serve en ergy, keep the dis tance be tween dryer, hop per and pro cess ing ma chine as small
as pos si ble.

The wheels of the com pact unit should be locked to en sure sta ble in stal la tion.

The foil should be re moved from the dry ing hop per.

7.3. Stor age

The con trol sys tem may only be stored at tem per a tures from 0 to +55°C (32 to +131 °F).

Be tween de liv ery and ma chine com mis sion ing the equip ment should be stored in a dry, dust-free
and vi bra tion-free room.







STT 110 / STT 160

Trans port, As sem bly and Stor age 7-3

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