Cleaning or replacing the air filter 5-4, Clean ing or re plac ing the air fil ter -4 – Sterling STT 160 User Manual
Page 27

5.2. Cleaning or Re placing the Air Fil ter
Set the re lease switch “Timer” at po si tion:
Wait un til the blower has stopped.
The run on time of the blower is 10 min utes.
If there is a re turn air cooler in stalled, switch off its cool ant cir cuit.
Switch off the main switch of the dryer (the sig nal lamp “power” goes off).
In ter rupt the mains sup ply so that the de vice can not be switched on un in -
ten tion ally.
Clogged fil ters sub stan tially re duce the amount of cir cu lat ing air and lead
to a pro duc tion lag of your dryer. Clogged fil ters may also dam age the
heat ing el e ments.
STT 110 / STT 160
Main te nance 5-4
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