Initial operation 3-2, Switching on the dryer 3-2, Ini tial op er a tion -2 – Sterling STT 160 User Manual

Page 16: Switch ing on the dryer -2

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3.1. In iti al Ope ra ti on

Check whet her the in let of the dry ing hop per is clo sed by a blind lid, or whet her a con vey or unit
(op tio nal) is in stal led.
If not, ma nu fac tu re a suit ab le blind lid and in stall it on the in let of the dry ing hop per or in stall the
con vey or unit (op tio nal).


At tach ments which are not supp lied by Ster ling must be ma nu fac tur ed
ac cor ding to the sa fe ty re gu la ti on Eu ro pe an Stan dard 294.

Check whet her the coo lant cir cuit of the re turn air coo ler is tur ned on (if a re turn air coo ler is in stal -

3.1.1. Swit ching on the Dry er

Switch on the main switch of the dry er.


The sig nal lamp “po wer” goes on.

For ope ra ti on with ti mer clock (op tional):
Turn the re lea se switch “Ti mer” at po si ti on:

For ope ra ti on wit hout ti mer clock:
Turn the re lea se switch “Ti mer” at po si ti on:


The blo wer is run ning.


If the dry er has not been in use for se ve ral months it must be ope ra ted for
about 2 hours wit hout ma te ri al.







STT 110 / STT 160

S tart up 3-2

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