Safety instructions 2-1, Safety in struc tions -1 – Sterling STT 160 User Manual
Page 10

2. Sa fe ty in struc tions
The se sa fe ty in struc tions ap ply to all per sons wit hin the ran ge of ac ti on of the
equip ment.
Plea se in form all per sons wit hin the ran ge of ac ti on of the equip ment of the
di rect and in di rect ha zards con nec ted with the equip ment.
The se ope ra ting in struc tions are to be used by all per sons as sig ned ac ti vi -
ties con nec ted with the equip ment.
Knowled ge of the En glish langua ge is pre re qui si te.
En su re in each case that the ope ra ting per son nel are fa mi li ar with the ope ra -
ting in struc tions and the functi on of the equip ment.
STT 110 / STT 160
Sa fe ty in struc tions 2-1
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