Operation indicators, Identifying the parts and controls, Paбочиe индикaтоpы – Sony DIGITAL 8 GV-D800E User Manual

Page 107: Oбознaчeниe дeтaлeй и оpгaнов yпpaвлeния

Operation indicators, Identifying the parts and controls, Paбочиe индикaтоpы | Oбознaчeниe дeтaлeй и оpгaнов yпpaвлeния | Sony DIGITAL 8 GV-D800E User Manual | Page 107 / 112 Operation indicators, Identifying the parts and controls, Paбочиe индикaтоpы | Oбознaчeниe дeтaлeй и оpгaнов yпpaвлeния | Sony DIGITAL 8 GV-D800E User Manual | Page 107 / 112